• Make the first piece and re-estimate
  • Learn as you go
  • Make daily short meetings (only who had a need attended)
  • Well defined interfaces
  • Independent teams
  • Detailed problem solving does not happen in the meetings
    • Agreement to meet after scrum meeting
    • Make only an offer to help
  • Team should address and resolve issues
  • At the beginning of the process;
    • Make scrum meetings in the first sprint to provide guidance, land moral support, share successful experience across teams

SCRUM: its about learning

  • Scrum works best, when each developer focuses exclusively on the spring
  • A scrum is a team of individuals in Rugby
    • each team member playing a well-defined role, and the whole team is focusing on a single goal
    • team members must understand his role and the tasks for each increment
    • priorities must be clear

How Does Scrum Work?

  • There must be an initial planning phase
  • During this phase the team must develop an architecture and identify a chief architect
  • During development, the team should be prepared to make changes to this architecture, but they need a plan, an architecture and a chief architect at the start
  • The chief architect defines a vision based on the architecture and ensures that vision consistency throughout all the development phases
  • The architect role should advice and control the developer roles, and communicate closely with the developers.
  • After initial planning, a series of short development phases, or sprints, deliver the product incrementally.
  • A sprint is 1 to 4 weeks
  • A closure phase usually completes product development
  • The team tracks all currently identified tasks, capturing them in a list called backlog
  • The backlog drives team activity
  • Before each sprint, the team updates the backlog and reprioritizes the tasks
  • Each team signs up for a number of tasks and then executes a sprint
  • Individual team members agree to complete tasks they believe are feasible during each sprint
  • The team defines task granularity as appropriate, commonly specifying that a task must be in less than a week (larger tasks are more difficult to define and report)
  • During the sprint no changes are allowed from outside the team

What Happens During the Sprint?

  • A sprint produces a visible, usable, deliverable that implements one or more user interactions with the system
  • The key idea is to deliver valuable functionality
  • Each product increments build on previous increments
  • The goal is to complete tasks by the sprints delivery date
  • The end date of the sprint does not change. Delivered functionality can be reduced during the sprint, but the delivery date can not be changed
  • (Usualy) make daily scrum meetings.
  • The meetings serve a team building purpose and brings in even remote contributors, making them feel a part of the group and making their work visible to the rest of the team.

How To Plan and Estimte?

  • Marketing group or the customer will set the release date
  • Development and marketing groups must work together to provide the features with the highest value for the first release
  • Marketing should prioritized the features, while the development group provides estimates for the effort
  • Marketing and Development must agree on the target set of features
  • If development team can not deliver the requested features, the groups must negotiate a reduced set of features.
  • After the negotiations the backlog is allocated to sprints in priority order
  • Development group establishes the target development environment and determines the risks
  • In general risky items are addressed in the early sprints to allow time to recover if, technical difficulties arise.
  • Planning proceeds reliably quickly, because the initial assumptions will surely change as sprints deliver incremental functionality

Who Leads the Team?

  • The scrum master leads the scrum meetings, identifies the initial backlog to be completed in the sprint.
  • Keeps scrum meetings short and focused
  • Continual tracking of the delivery of backlog items.

What Happens During a Scrum Meeting?

  • Team members must answer these questions:
    • what have you completed, relative to the backlog, since the last scrum meeting?
    • what obstacles got in your way of completing this work?
    • what specific things do you plan to accomplish, relative to the backlog, between now and the next scrum meeting?
  • The meetings should last 15-30 minutes, which provides time to address the obstacles, but does not allow time to brainstorm a solution
  • All discussions other than responses to three questions is differed to a later meeting, involving only those actually affected by the discussion.

Scrum Meeting Goals:

  • Focusing the effort of developers on the backlog items
  • Communicating the priorities of backlog items to members
  • Keep everyone informed of team progress and obstacles
  • Resolve obstacles as quickly as possible
  • Tracking progress in delivering the backlog functionality
  • Addressing and minimizing product risks.

What Happens at the End of Sprint?

  • After each sprint, project teams meet with all stakeholders
  • All new information from the sprint just completed is reported, at this meeting anything can be changed, work can be added, eliminated or reprioritized
  • Customer input shapes priority setting activities, items that are important to the customer have the highest priority
  • New plans and estimate are made, following the same process discussed earlier,
  • The organization can make one very important decision at the end of the sprint, whether to continue orıduct development or stop.
    • Should this project continue (this is a business decision, and must be made after considering all the technical and marketing issues)


  • The product becomes a series of manageable chunks
  • Progress is made even when requirements are not stable
  • Everything is visible to everyone,
  • Team communication improves
  • The team shares success along the way and at the end
  • Customers see on time delivery of increments
  • Customers obtain frequent feedback on how the product actually works
  • A relationship with the customer develops, trust builds and knowledge grows
  • A culture is created where everyone expects the project to succeed